Part 18: Day 19 -- The Plot Twist
Day 19 -- The Plot Twist

We are now 50% done with the crackly audio videos! Push through! We can make it! Grant and I figured it was caused by the Elgato software upscaling the 720p videos to 1080p while placing an external audio source on top of it all. We'll do all sorts of tests before we record more, I promise.
This was a pretty exciting day until we completely miss the point of it all! I can't believe Louie ran off with the fruit! Grant and I are made painfully aware of our obvious mistake in the next video. Spoiler: Yes, we missed the wall Louie exploded, somehow. Watch us fight lobster monsters and stumble upon the odd Miiverse integration in this game.
If you want to see the photo we took in the Miiverse, click here. Send me a Wii U friend request while you're at it. If... If that's a thing you can actually do. How does the Wii U friend system work again?
I'm a big fan of Charlie's expression in the thumbnail. Bigger version here.